Buttons Bracelet
"My formula for success is rise early, work late, and strike oil."
- Paul Getty - Materials for Oil Empire Earrings :-
2 x silver earring hooks 2 x silver eye pins 2 x silver head pins 2 x 5mm silver jump rings 2 x 10mm faceted beads in silver 10 x 8mm faceted crystals in jet AB 6 x 6mm bicone crystals in fire opal 6 x 6mm bicone crystals in dorado 2 x top-drilled teardrops in erinite 6 x top-drilled round silver metals with “floating sapphires” 8 x peridot gem chips 8 x sodalite gem chips metallic blue seed pearls size 8 seed beads in orange silver wire cut into lengths of 2 x 70cm; 2 x 10cm & 2 x 6cm
Step-by-step :-
1. String a silver faceted bead on an eye pin and make a plain loop above the bead. Attach the loop above the bead to the loop of an earring hook. Close the loop and trim excess wire.
2. Thread a jet AB crystal, a blue seed pearl, a fire opal bicone, a blue seed pearl, a jet AB crystal and a blue seed pearl on to the center of a 70cm piece of wire. Cross the two ends of the wire in the first jet AB crystal.
3. Add a blue seed pearl, a dorado bicone, a blue seed pearl and a jet AB crystal on to the left end of the wire. Add a blue seed pearl on to the right end of the wire then cross in the jet AB crystal.
4. Continue with this sequence by threading two more loops containing dorado bicone crystals. Complete the final loop by feeding the inner wire end through the starter AB crystal and cross the ends in a fire opal bicone crystal.
5. Add a blue seed pearl, a sodalite chip, a blue seed pearl and a sodalite chip on to the outer wire end. Add a blue seed pearl on to the inner wire end and cross in the sodalite chip. Add blue seed pearl, sapphire metal, seed pearl and fire opal bicone on outer wire. Seed pearl on inner wire; cross in bicone. Seed pearl, sapphire metal, seed pearl and sodalite chip on outer wire. Seed pearl on inner wire; cross in sodalite chip. Then add seed pearl, sodalite chip and seed pearl on outer wire, but feed through adjacent fire opal bicone crystal (being the original fire opal crystal in the first loop). Add a seed pearl on the inner wire and also cross through that bicone crystal.

6. Add three orange seed beads on the inner wire and feed through the adjacent fire opal bicone. On both wire ends add an orange seed bead, a peridot chip and an orange seed bead and feed through the adjacent dorado crystals. Repeat sequence and cross the two wire ends through the final dorado crystal at the top of the motif. Cross the two wire ends above this crystal and twist them together for approx. 2cm. Complete a wrapped loop with the twisted wire and trim excess wire. Open the loop below the silver bead dangle and attach to the wrapped loop of the beaded motif. Close the loop.
7. String a sapphire metal on to the center of a 10cm piece of wire. Bend wire ends below this metal so they cross tightly and complete a wrapped loop with the twisted wire. Use a 6cm piece of wire to make a wrapped loop above this metal. Open a jump ring and slide the erinite teardrop onto it. Connect to the wrapped loop below the sapphire metal dangle and close the jump ring. Slide a head pin through the fire opal bicone crystal at the bottom of the beaded motif. Connect the wrapped loop above the sapphire metal dangle and complete a wrapped loop before trimming excess wire. Make a second earring to match the first.
Materials for Buttons Bracelet :-
5 x 25mm resin buttons (with 2 holes) 16 x round silver spacers (with holes large enough to accommodate 4 strands of cord) Metallic polyester cord cut into lengths of 2 x 40cm *beading needles
Step-by-step :-
1. Lay both pieces of cord alongside each other and feed them both through a silver spacer. Thread one cord through a button hole so it comes out underneath the button. Thread the other cord through the same button hole so it comes out from behind towards the front of the button. Slide the button on to the center of the cords with the silver spacer snug to the button.
2. Thread a silver spacer on to the cord on top of the button and thread through the adjacent button hole towards the back. Cross the other cord through that same button hole from behind towards the front. Join the cords by feeding them through a silver spacer.
3. Continue crossing the two cords through the button holes of two more buttons, adding- and feeding through relevant silver spacers. After the cords are joined by the final silver spacer, tie one overhand knot with both cords snug against the silver spacer. Repeat this process with the remaining two buttons on the other side of the bracelet as well.
4. Feed the two corresponding cords on one side of the bracelet through a silver spacer. Cross the remaining two cords from the opposite direction through that same spacer. This spacer will serve as an adjustable closure when pulling the ends to adjust the fit. On each of the four loose ends, string a silver spacer and finish with overhand knots.
*Hint :- If you don’t have a beading needle with an eye big enough to accommodate your cord, then simply cut a piece of wire and bend it in half. Use the bend of the wire as a needle eye and the two wire ends as the needle tip. For easier insertion, one wire end may be slightly taller than the other one. |
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